Caractere ISO-8859-2

Data publicarii: Mai 2006

Tutoriale » Anexe » Caractere ISO-8859-2

CodeIn browserDescription
&#x0020 Space
&#x0021!Exclamation mark
&#x0022"Quotation mark
&#x0023#Number sign
&#x0024$Dollar sign
&#x0025%Percent sign
&#x0028(Left parenthesis
&#x0029)Right parenthesis
&#x002B+Plus sign
&#x002E.Full stop
&#x00300Digit zero
&#x00311Digit one
&#x00322Digit two
&#x00333Digit three
&#x00344Digit four
&#x00355Digit five
&#x00366Digit six
&#x00377Digit seven
&#x00388Digit eight
&#x00399Digit nine
&#x003C<Less-than sign
&#x003D=Equals sign
&#x003E>Greater-than sign
&#x003F?Question mark
&#x0040@Commercial at
&#x0041ALatin capital letter A
&#x0042BLatin capital letter B
&#x0043CLatin capital letter C
&#x0044DLatin capital letter D
&#x0045ELatin capital letter E
&#x0046FLatin capital letter F
&#x0047GLatin capital letter G
&#x0048HLatin capital letter H
&#x0049ILatin capital letter I
&#x004AJLatin capital letter J
&#x004BKLatin capital letter K
&#x004CLLatin capital letter L
&#x004DMLatin capital letter M
&#x004ENLatin capital letter N
&#x004FOLatin capital letter O
&#x0050PLatin capital letter P
&#x0051QLatin capital letter Q
&#x0052RLatin capital letter R
&#x0053SLatin capital letter S
&#x0054TLatin capital letter T
&#x0055ULatin capital letter U
&#x0056VLatin capital letter V
&#x0057WLatin capital letter W
&#x0058XLatin capital letter X
&#x0059YLatin capital letter Y
&#x005AZLatin capital letter Z
&#x005B[Left square bracket
&#x005C\Reverse solidus
&#x005D]Right square bracket
&#x005E^Circumflex accent
&#x005F_Low line
&#x0060`Grave accent
&#x0061aLatin small letter a
&#x0062bLatin small letter b
&#x0063cLatin small letter c
&#x0064dLatin small letter d
&#x0065eLatin small letter e
&#x0066fLatin small letter f
&#x0067gLatin small letter g
&#x0068hLatin small letter h
&#x0069iLatin small letter i
&#x006AjLatin small letter j
&#x006BkLatin small letter k
&#x006ClLatin small letter l
&#x006DmLatin small letter m
&#x006EnLatin small letter n
&#x006FoLatin small letter o
&#x0070pLatin small letter p
&#x0071qLatin small letter q
&#x0072rLatin small letter r
&#x0073sLatin small letter s
&#x0074tLatin small letter t
&#x0075uLatin small letter u
&#x0076vLatin small letter v
&#x0077wLatin small letter w
&#x0078xLatin small letter x
&#x0079yLatin small letter y
&#x007AzLatin small letter z
&#x007B{Left curly bracket
&#x007C|Vertical line
&#x007D}Right curly bracket
&#x00A0 No-break space
&#x0104ĄLatin capital letter A with ogonek
&#x0141ŁLatin capital letter L with stroke
&#x00A4¤Currency sign
&#x013DĽLatin capital letter L with caron
&#x015AŚLatin capital letter S with acute
&#x00A7§Section sign
&#x0160ŠLatin capital letter S with caron
&#x015EŞLatin capital letter S with cedilla
&#x0164ŤLatin capital letter T with caron
&#x0179ŹLatin capital letter Z with acute
&#x00AD­Soft hyphen
&#x017DŽLatin capital letter Z with caron
&#x017BŻLatin capital letter Z with dot above
&#x00B0°Degree sign
&#x0105ąLatin small letter a with ogonek
&#x0142łLatin small letter l with stroke
&#x00B4´Acute accent
&#x013EľLatin small letter l with caron
&#x015BśLatin small letter s with acute
&#x0161šLatin small letter s with caron
&#x015FşLatin small letter s with cedilla
&#x0165ťLatin small letter t with caron
&#x017AźLatin small letter z with acute
&#x02DD˝Double acute accent
&#x017EžLatin small letter z with caron
&#x017CżLatin small letter z with dot above
&#x0154ŔLatin capital letter R with acute
&#x00C1ÁLatin capital letter A with acute
&#x00C2ÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex
&#x0102ĂLatin capital letter A with breve
&#x00C4ÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis
&#x0139ĹLatin capital letter L with acute
&#x0106ĆLatin capital letter C with acute
&#x00C7ÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla
&#x010CČLatin capital letter C with caron
&#x00C9ÉLatin capital letter E with acute
&#x0118ĘLatin capital letter E with ogonek
&#x00CBËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis
&#x011AĚLatin capital letter E with caron
&#x00CDÍLatin capital letter I with acute
&#x00CEÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex
&#x010EĎLatin capital letter D with caron
&#x0110ĐLatin capital letter D with stroke
&#x0143ŃLatin capital letter N with acute
&#x0147ŇLatin capital letter N with caron
&#x00CEÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex
&#x010EĎLatin capital letter D with caron
&#x0110ĐLatin capital letter D with stroke
&#x0143ŃLatin capital letter N with acute
&#x0147ŇLatin capital letter N with caron
&#x00D3ÓLatin capital letter O with acute
&#x00D4ÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex
&#x0150ŐLatin capital letter O with double acute
&#x00D6ÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis
&#x00D7×Multiplication sign
&#x0158ŘLatin capital letter R with caron
&#x016EŮLatin capital letter U with ring above
&#x00DAÚLatin capital letter U with acute
&#x0170ŰLatin capital letter U with double acute
&#x00DCÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis
&#x00DDÝLatin capital letter Y with acute
&#x0162ŢLatin capital letter T with cedilla
&#x00DFßLatin small letter sharp s
&#x0155ŕLatin small letter r with acute
&#x00E1áLatin small letter a with acute
&#x00E2âLatin small letter a with circumflex
&#x0103ăLatin small letter a with breve
&#x00E4äLatin small letter a with diaeresis
&#x013EľLatin small letter l with acute
&#x0107ćLatin small letter c with acute
&#x00E7çLatin small letter c with cedilla
&#x010DčLatin small letter c with caron
&#x00E9éLatin small letter e with acute
&#x0119ęLatin small letter e with ogonek
&#x00EBëLatin small letter e with diaeresis
&#x011BěLatin small letter e with caron
&#x00EDíLatin small letter i with acute
&#x00EEîLatin small letter i with circumflex
&#x010FďLatin small letter d with caron
&#x0111đLatin small letter d with stroke
&#x0144ńLatin small letter n with acute
&#x0148ňLatin small letter n with caron
&#x00F3óLatin small letter o with acute
&#x00F4ôLatin small letter o with circumflex
&#x0151őLatin small letter o with double acute
&#x00F6öLatin small letter o with diaeresis
&#x00F7÷Division sign
&#x0159řLatin small letter r with caron
&#x016FůLatin small letter u with ring above
&#x00FAúLatin small letter u with acute
&#x0171űLatin small letter u with double acute
&#x00FCüLatin small letter u with diaeresis
&#x00FDýLatin small letter y with acute
&#x0163ţLatin small letter t with cedilla
&#x02D9˙Dot above


17 Feb 2025  9:13 AM

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